SettingsManager / Promiseifyish Example

Example uses of the SettingsManager library and Promiseifyish library

This page illustrates the general use of SettingsManager, as well as an example with a promiseified version, using Promiseifyish.

There are some advantages to using a promise-style API over standard callback style. In general, the code flows better and is easier to read with Promises.

Compare the two code samples below to see the difference between the callback style and the promise style.

Consider the typical use of the SettingsManager:

Settings Manager Code

        // Handlers
        function onSettingsLoaded(settings) {
            console.log('loaded', settings);
        function onSettingsSaved() {
            console.log('settings saved');
        function onError(error) {
            console.log('error:', error);

        // Start with a load
        var settingsManager = new SettingsManager();
        settingsManager.load(function onLoad(settings) {
            // Handle the load response and start a save
  {one: 1, two: 'two'}, function onSave() {
                // Handle the save response and start another load
                settingsManager.load(function onLoad(settings) {
                    // Handle the load response and start another save
          {three: 3, two: 2}, function onSave() {
                        // Handle the save response and start another load
                        settingsManager.load(function onLoad(settings) {
                            // Handle the load response
                        }, onError);
                    }, onError);
                }, onError);
            }, onError);
        }, onError);

Compare with the promiseified version:

Promiseified Settings Manager Code

// Promiseify a SettingsManager instance
var promisifiedSettingsManager = Promiseify(new SettingsManager());

.then(() =>{one: 1, two: 'two'}))
.then(() => promisifiedSettingsManager.load())
.then(() =>{three: 3, two: 2}))
.then(() => promisifiedSettingsManager.load())

This example shows code for both the standard usage as well as the promiseified usage, running next to each other. Notice how the results are the same; this shows that the promisiefied version retains API functionality.